Training: Design Principles
Proper software design is key in keeping a product both understandable and maintainable. The training ‘Design Principles’ is a one day training to explain the design principles SOLID and GRASP .
The first part of the training is an explanation of the SOLID rules:
- Single responsibility
- Open/closed
- Liskov substitution
- Interface segregation
- Dependency inversion
The second part is about GRASP G eneral R esponsibility A ssignment S oftware P atterns. These are used to divide responsibilities between components of a design with the goals to keep it SOLID .
The theory is illustrated with practical examples and group discussions.
Prior knowledge:
Basic knowledge of Object Oriented Design. Practice in an Object Oriented language (C++, C#, Java) is preferred, but not necessary.
Duration, number of participants and location
The training consists of one full day. The maximum number of participants is ten. It is possible to take the training at one of our locations or on-site at your company.
The rate will be calculated upon request, depending on the location and the number of participants. Please contact our Academy at on of our offices in your region, send an e-mail or fill in the contact form at the bottom of this page.
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