Engineering Tomorrow’s World​

ALTEN’s historical core business is Engineering and has been recognised for 35 years as a tier-one technological partner of major clients within the industry. Through its engineering activities, the ALTEN Group, with its 54,100 employees including 88% of high-level consulting engineers, provides solutions to its customers throughout the entire product life cycle.

ALTEN is your tier-one technological partner in Engineering

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In this video, discover our Technical Manager Gwen talking about the Engineering division in ALTEN, the trends in the industry, and the specificities of the Dutch market.

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ALTEN, in collaboration with a Dutch company specialized in machines and mechatronic systems, developed an innovative solution to automate the leaf cutting process in greenhouses.

The solution uses artificial intelligence, algorithms, and path planning to achieve this. The system moves around in the greenhouse by means of navigation. While driving, the system will stop at specified distances, take an image of the crop, that is analysed by multiple algorithms, so the exact position and orientation of the gripper are determined. Using a SCARA robot, in combination with a self-developed gripper, the system moves towards the cucumber leaf to cut it according to the guidelines of the greenhouse grower.

ALTEN participates in the development of the thermal modelling for controller design of the optical path in high-end lithography machines.

In lithography systems, light is used to print patterns on wafers that are used in computer chip production. This light should not be distorted too much by whatever mirrors and lenses it encounters on its way to the wafer, while the light also heats up these mirrors and lenses, causing them to deform a bit. In most high-end lithography machines, the specifications are so tight that this effect becomes relevant. Combine this with a push for higher production speed (and thus higher heat loads), it should come as no surprise that active control is required. To design the controllers, considering mirror and lens temperatures, a suitably accurate model is needed.




Digital trend

Digitalisation, often referred to the Industry 4.0, encompasses the integration of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, big data analytics, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

At ALTEN, we are working on Research Program about Industry 4.0. Our ambition is to combine human and artifical intelligence to increase industrial performance: “The factory of the future is not only a range of new technologies, but also a new way of working for the people who work there.” François Portier – Director of ALTEN “Smart Factory 4.0” Research Program

Environmental & Sustainable trends

With the increasing awareness of environmental issues and the urgency to combat climate change, engineers are tasked with finding sustainable solutions that minimize harm to the planet and its resources. Engineers are developing sustainable materials and construction techniques for infrastructure projects, aiming to reduce the environmental impact while ensuring long-term durability and resilience.

At ALTEN we are notably working on a global and innovative strategy. The ambition is to optimise the environmental impact of internal IT services, to rely on Innovation Labs to develop the footprint measurement and eco-design solutions of tomorrow and to put the Group’s expertise at the service of its customers and the transition of the digital sector.

Are you interested in engineering jobs?

Do not hesitate to contact us!

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